PRD BGSYS Accountant Cum IT Assistant (Bihar Gram Swaraj Yojna Society) Recruitment 2024

Short Overview

The Bihar Gram Swaraj Yojna Society (BGSYS) has published the job advertising for the position of (Lekhpal) PRD BGSYS Accountant Cum IT Assistant, offering 6570 positions in total. Interested candidates, both male and female, may apply online between May 10, 2024, and June 9, 2024. For details on the age relaxations, curriculum, selection process, and salary rate, see the full notification.

Important Dates For PRD BGSYS Accountant Cum IT Assistant

  1. Application Start Date: May 10, 2024
  2. Last Date of Application: June 9, 2024
  3. Last Date of Fee Payment: June 9, 2024
  4. Date of Examination: As Scheduled
  5. Admit Card Availability Date: Before Examination

Fee Details

  1. Fee for SC and ST: INR 250
  2. Fee for  General and EWS: INR 500
  3. Fee for  OBC: INR 500
  4. Fee for  Females: INR 250
  5. Fee for PH: INR 250
  6. Fee Payment Modes: E Challan, Debit Card, Net Banking, and Credit Card.

More information on Fee details is mentioned in the notification

 PRD BGSYS Accountant Cum IT Assistant Recruitment 2024 Details

Age Criteria   

  1. Minimum age requirement: 21 years
  2. Maximum age requirement for Males: 45 years
  3. Maximum age requirement: for Females: 48 years

For more details read the full official notification at the end.

Vacancy Details


  1. UR- 1068
  2. EWS- 427
  3. EBC- 1068
  4. BC- 769
  5. ST-  85
  6. SC- 853
  7. Total- 4270


  1. UR-575
  2. EWS- 230
  3. EBC-575
  4. BC- 414
  5. ST-  46
  6. SC- 460
  7. Total- 2300

A total of 6570 posts are available 

Eligibility Criteria

  1. B. Com
  2. OR CA Inter OR M. Com

For more details read the full official notification at the end.

Steps to Fill PRD BGSYS Accountant Cum IT Assistant Recruitment Form 2024

  1.  The application period is from May 10, 2024, until June 9, 2024.
  2. Read the notification carefully.
  3. It is important to verify and retrieve all documents like eligibility, identification proof, address information, and other basic details beforehand.
  4. Be easy with the following scans of the recruitment exam form: photo, signature, proof of ID, etc.
  5. You have to read and carefully preview every column before submitting the application form.
  6. Submit the required fees else the document will be null and void.
  7. Print the completed and submitted form.

For more details read the full official notification at the end.

Important Links

  1. Online application Link- Click here
  2. Notification Link- Click Here
  3. PRD Website Link- Click Here
  4. BGSYS- Bihar Gram Swaraj Yojna Society Website Link- Click Here